[Other] SS501 Kim Hyun Joong activity in Korea back from Taiwan Asia Tour

24 Oct

Source: http://sci.baidubar.net

Credit: Triples.tw

Please give proper credit when reposting, thanks!

We all know that other than leaving with other members, Hyun Joong took the previous flight back to Korea after the Taiwan Asia Tour.

However, I just find out the reason behind this and I am shocked.

Look at all the pictures.  Hyun Joong was so tired in them.

Poor poor boy…

DSP! Are you crazy… you no only overwork him but use him in your own personal event…



Hyun Joong needed to be back to Korea so early on the 18th was to attend a wedding.

Heard that the wedding supposed to be the president’s relatives ..

That’s why no wonder hairdresser and make-up artist were accompanying him to fly.

I do not know if there is any other very important meeting Hyun Joong needed to be attended also.

After all, DSP didn’t announce anything.


One Response to “[Other] SS501 Kim Hyun Joong activity in Korea back from Taiwan Asia Tour”

  1. Norisasha October 24, 2009 at 6:36 pm #

    Is dis true? R they(DSP) allowed to do that? To engaged the artist for their own personal activties? Dats exploiting. I noe dis happens. But if KHJ do it own his own accord and as a favor I guess there’s noting much we can do.

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